Law Alumni Event - Admitted Student Open House
Saturday, March 29, 2025, 3:15 pm - 5:00 pm
Main Reading Room, 3rd Floor - Lewis Hall
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Sally Wiant '75L
Washington, D.C. Campaign Celebration 2025
Wednesday, April 2, 2025, 6:30 pm
Pendry Washington DC-The Wharf
655 Water Street SW
Washington, D.C.
Please join us for a special reception and program celebrating Leading Lives of Consequence: The Campaign of Washington and Lee.
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Steve Abraham '80'83L, Jens Ames '22, Sutton Ansley '07, Abby Avery '18, Caroline Bailey '20, Jake Barr '16, Kevin Batteh '95'98L, Kimberly (Sampson) Bazemore '04, Cian Bell '23, Amy (Myers) Bersett '93, T. Blair '99, Tom Boss '24L, Andrew Brennan '20, Ben Brown '94'03L, Liz (Holleman) Brown '95, Steele Burrow '13, Taylor Callaham '05, Sam Carley '22, Lindsay Cates '16, Claire Cerone '24, Cynthia Cheatham '07, Mary Choksi P'11, Hillary Cocke, Jess (Clark) Cohen, Preston Cory '15, Sydney Cross, Chris Curfman '17, Elise (Bryant) Darden '92, Jay Darden '93, Katherine Dau '19, Christopher Deighan '87, Henry Dewing '85, Sarah (Hurley) Dewing P'11'17, Bob Drake '88, Julie (Snowdon) Drake '89, Will Dudley, Sam Dugan '23, Ellen Dulin '23, Ryan Elliott '99, Jackson Ellis '19, Ana Estrada Hamm '22, Annie Estrada Postma '04, Katharine Farrar '11, Jenna Faude '16, Jack Fencl '22, Bridget (Washington) Flood '21, Lucas Flood '21, Charlotte Freeman '21, A.J. Frey '12L, Jack Gagnon '18, Rachel Gallagher '18, Pierson Gammage '24, Taylor Garcia '22, Ronni Gardner, Sam Gibson '17, Earle Greene '82, Elizabeth Grist '22, Mary Wilson Grist '22, Mason Grist '18, Rebecca Hagigh '23, Rhianon Ham, Laura Hamilton P'23'28, Paul Hammack '65L, John Harashinski '20, Walker Helvey '16, Julia Hernandez '20, Adam Hoehn '08, Lee (Rorrer) Holifield '93, Mike Holifield '89, Jack Huffard '90, Katie Huffard P'28, Dennis Hull '22, Charlotte (Bancroft) Hyland '12, Patrick Hyland '12, John Jensen '01, Lauren (Stearns) Jensen '02, Jack Kannapell '21, Craig Kendall '78, Reid Komosa '21, Nick Konovalchik '21, Boots Lackey '23, Caitlin Lane '06, Joy Lee '12L, Jocelyn Lewis, Anna Linthicum '19, Iain MacLeod '22, Laurel Ann (Heiskell) MacLeod '92, Matthew Manning '09, Emma Martone, Bryn McCarthy '19, Bryn McCarthy '19, Madison McGinley '24, Rob McGinley '94, Hunter McMaster '13, Taylor Meeker, Riley Messer '16, Mike Missal '78, Elizabeth Mocek '23, Jessine Monaghan '79L, Rae Mueller '12L, Kelly (Sewell) Nagel '00, John Nolan '70, Tolu Olubunmi '02, Amy (Panella) Ossi '93, Greg Ossi '90, Betsy (Berkheimer) Pakenas '94, Leeann Passaro '20, Evan Phaup '22, Austin Piatt '17, Rebecca (Dunn) Piatt '16, Tim Pierce '20, Lyndsay Polloway '06, Nicole (Davol) Rhoads '04, Gail (Parker) Rucker P'93, Les Rucker '64, Karen Santana-Garces '17, Chad Scarborough '00, Jackson Sharman '22, Ben Sherman '75, Wright Sigmund '03, Emma Smith '23, Howard Smith '80, Jarrett Smith '21, Tom Snedeker '92, Mary Beth (Pittman) Speed '22, Warner Speed '22, Andreya Steidl '24L, Melissa (Anemojanis) Svehla '89, Mai (Spurlock) Sykes '94, Jessica (Taylor) Taylor White '04, Jake Triolo '12L, Julia Udicious '19, Charlie Voudouris '19, Billy Webster '79, Diane Wiley P'28, Douglas Wiley P'28, Susan Wood, Lauren Woodie '14
Baltimore Campaign Celebration 2025
Thursday, April 3, 2025, 6:30 pm
2605 Quarry Lake Drive
Baltimore, MD
Please join us for a special reception and program celebrating Leading Lives of Consequence: The Campaign of Washington and Lee.
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Paul Arpaia '85, Steve Birdsall '99, Clark Carter '69, Ericka (Shapard) Croft '98, Russell Croft '96, Sydney Cross, Will Englehart '08, Dave Farace '91, Katharine Farrar '11, Erin Fleming, Robert Ford '75, Ronni Gardner, Tom Hagigh '92, Rhianon Ham, Lin Hartin '67, Pete Heumann '67, Tim Hodge '90L, John Jensen '01, Lauren (Stearns) Jensen '02, Barbara (Schermerhorn) Keigler P'10, John Lalley '74, Maureen (Merkert) Lalley P'04, Jocelyn Lewis, Scott Link '02, Charlie Lockyer '93, Kirsten (Baker) Lockyer '93, Alicia (Hay) Matthai '91, Sam McLemore '02, Taylor Meeker, Chad Meyer '91, Clare (Benbow) Miller, John Miller '73L, Marc Ottinger '80, Betsy (Berkheimer) Pakenas '94, Leeann Passaro '20, Jean Marie Roberts P'17'19'21'24, Hugh Robinson '80, Liz (Smith) Robinson '89, George Santos '81, Dave Schiminger '93, Louise (Phipps) Senft '88L, Annie (Salisbury) Staley '93, Maggie Waxter '17, Bailey (Russell) White '16, Brendan White '17, Pam White '77L, Clark Wight '91, James Williams P'25, Rebecca Williams P'25, Tim Winfield '73, Susan Wood, Erin Wrenn, Russell Wrenn '00
Atlanta Masters Watch Party
Thursday, April 10, 2025, 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Intown Golf Club
Two Buckhead Plaza, 3050 Peachtree Rd
Atlanta, GA
Join the Atlanta Chapter for happy hour to watch the last few hours of Round 1 of this year's Masters.
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Anna Akins '17, Dave Baker '87L, Sam Boxley '19, Ben Bragg '22, Cooper Breithaupt '20, Patrick Clossin '15, Hull Collins '22, Rett Daugbjerg '22, Joe Gagnon '20, Reynolds Griffith '19, Laura (Waggener) McDonald '17, Todd Alan McDonald '17, Hammond McEver '09, Mac O'Brien '14, Evan Owan '23, Brian Peccie '20, Chad Plumly '84, Rob Quinilty '20, Elizabeth Roos '18, Doyle Silvia '19, Will Singletary '19, Walker Thomas '19, Heeth Varnedoe '19
Dallas Tex-Lex
Thursday, April 10, 2025, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
At the home of Doug Denby '91 P' 22 and Courtney Denby P '22
Join the W&L Dallas Alumni Association for the 2nd annual Tex-Lex celebration! Enjoy an evening of connecting with old and new friends over margaritas and Tex-Mex bites!
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Rowan Blumenstock '24, Nick Brooks '12L, Ashley (Cecil) Bull P'20, Jon Bull '91, Josephine (Schaeffer) Covington '96, Trey Cox '92, Drew Crichton '02, Meredith Denby '22, Greer Gordon '20, Caroline Hardin '15, Ashley Jeter P'22, Guy Kerr '75, Max Louman '19, Kimberly Mehendale P'28, Liz Olson '14, Charlotte Rolfe '19, Sarah (Saalfield) Stallings '99, Hyer Thomas '21, Meg Tollison P'25, Emily Webb '17
Birmingham Crawfish Boil
Saturday, April 12, 2025, 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
At the home of David Gibert '11 and Katie Gibert
Join the Birmingham Chapter for a crawfish boil and Masters watch party!
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Andrew Crum '15, Owen Elliott '15, Holly (Suthers) Gainer '11, Hugh Gainer '11, David Gibert '11, Katherine (Perry) Glenn '08, Jay Lester '08, Sara Anne (Wilkins) Lester '09, Gage (Smith) McDonough '13, Tom Mostellar '17
Jacksonville River Cruise
Wednesday, April 16, 2025, 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Lakeshore Marine Center
3326 Lake Shore Blvd
Jacksonville, FL
Join us for a river cruise! We will meet at the dock house bar and the boat will depart at 6:00 p.m. sharp. Beverages and light food provided.
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Rob Tabb '73
Spartanburg Night at the Ballpark
Tuesday, April 22, 2025, 6:35 pm
Fifth Third Park
344 S Daniel Morgan Ave.
Spartanburg, SC
Join us at Chaser's Corner (behind left field at Fifth Third Park) to watch as the Hub City Spartanburgers take on the Greenville Drive. Registration is required for attendance and includes ticket, food, and non-alcoholic beverages. First pitch is at 6:35 p.m. sharp.
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Ashley Allen '65, Gwin (Coffin) Allen P'90'92, Charlie King '85, Charlotte King '26, Dede (Connors) King P'20'24'26, Jeffrey Lawson '68
Boston Campaign Celebration 2025
Tuesday, April 29, 2025, 6:30 pm
Collective Bar at Winthrop Center
Boston, MA
Please join us for a special reception and program celebrating Leading Lives of Consequence: The Campaign of Washington and Lee. Registration will open soon.
Richmond Kickers Game
Friday, May 2, 2025, 7:00 pm
City Stadium
3201 Maplewood Ave.
Richmond, VA
Join the W&L Richmond Alumni Chapter at City Stadium to cheer on the Richmond Kickers! We have space reserved at the Roos Brew Zone for our group. Families and children are welcome. Be sure to register as space is limited.
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Nashville Spring Soiree
Sunday, May 4, 2025, 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Fat Bottom Brewery
800 44th Ave N
Nashville, TN
Spring at Washington and Lee means Spring Term. Spring at Sewanee means Spring Party. The W&L Nashville Chapter and the Sewanee Nashville Chapter are teaming up to bring both traditions together in one festive Spring Soiree!
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