Welcome to Washington and Lee!

We in the Classics Department hope that your time here will be challenging and enjoyable. We ask you to take the following short placement test to help us decide which Latin class will suit you best.


InstructionsDo you need to take this test?

Take this test only if

(1) you have studied Latin in high school; AND

(2) you are considering studying Latin while at Washington and Lee; AND

(3) you have not scored a 5 on the Latin AP exam.


(If you wish to begin your study of Latin at Washington & Lee, you are welcome to enroll in Latin 101 this fall!)


If all of the above apply to you, then please complete the Grammar and Sight Translation sections below.

You are on your honor when you take this on-line placement test. The test must be taken in one sitting, and assistance of any kind (books, dictionaries, on-line glossaries, help from others) is prohibited. You may take the test only once. Read more about the Washington and Lee Honor System if you have any questions.


Time limit: One hour

Please take no more than an hour on this test. We suggest that you start a one-hour alarm on a nearby watch, clock, or phone as soon as you proceed to the next page.

Please proceed through the passages in the order in which they appear. There a few grammar questions and five passages to translate. At the end of one hour, regardless of where you are in the test, click "Next" in the lower right corner until you find a page with a "Submit" button. After you click this button, your test will be sent to the appropriate faculty in the Washington and Lee Classics Department.

Good luck!

Rebecca Benefiel 

Kevin Crotty 

Caleb Dance

Michael Laughy (Chair)

